We meticulously select products for minimal, modern design home, always having in mind not only the story and design of products, but also its practicality. It’s important to us, that the things that surround you in your home allow you living comfortably, spaciously and in a less crowded space.

Our story
Minimalist‘s story started in 2017 – at first we started with our cozy little store in Kaunas Old Town, Lithuania focusing on unique interior creations from local designers. Step by step we added Scandinavian, Italian, Spanish and French brands to our assortment, and moved to online – minimalist-store.com
We meticulously select products for minimal, modern design home, always having in mind not only the story and design of products, but also their practicality. Its important to us that the things surrounding our customers in their homes allow them living in comfortable, spacious and less crowded space.
We hope, that in this digital space you will be able to find not only accessories or gifts for your beloved ones, but also stylish furniture for your home or office.
Minimalist team is happy to help and is always prepared to consult and recommend products according to your needs, vision and interior.
We ship your orders quickly and conveniently within 1-2 working days after your purchase via courriers to your address.