Tabi, a part of Stelton’s To-Go series, is created by Japanese designer Kazushige Miyake, who graduated from Tama Art University in Tokyo. The Tabi, series embraces the organic forms of nature and includes drink bottles and cups, making it perfect for outdoor adventures. Equipped with a convenient handle on top, the Tabi, series is the ideal choice for adventurous souls. Inspired by his previous designs, Tabi, comes in a range of colors that add a touch of aesthetic joy to your journey.

  • Easy to clean
  • Dishwasher safe
  • Practical double-walled mug with thermos effect
  • 90% recycled steel
  • Can keep drinks cold for 20 hours and hot for 10 hours

If the product is in stock, its delivery takes 1-2 days.

If product is not in stock, the delivery takes around 4 weeks.